Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Bump In The Road

So Sad To Write This...

Well, friends, I am sad to say the Haley has suffered a recurrence in her fainting. She had gone for more than a year without fainting, and about two weeks ago she began fainting again. She has also suffered from headaches (likely from hitting her head while fainting), and her usual nausea and vomiting. 

ER Visit

Last Wednesday night we took her to the ER for these symptoms plus she had partial vision loss in her right eye. The ER doctor was very kind and compassionate, but he really didn't know what could be causing the symptoms. He ended up calling Dr. Henderson, the neurosurgeon who did the brain surgery on Haley in June of 2013. Dr Henderson wanted him to do a scan of her head to make sure she didn't have a rare type of blood clot in her head, which, thankfully, she didn't. She was put in the neck brace again because they think the fainting may be due to instability in her cervical spine. (We knew shortly after her surgery that she had a good bit of abnormal movement in her neck bones, and we were told that it would probably progress.) Also, she has been put off of work until at least December 1st.

Our sweet pastor, Burress, came to the hospital to comfort and pray with Haley (and us). I snapped a quick photo of him encouraging Haley. Even in the most difficult times, we are blessed with faithful friends who watch over our souls!

Will you pray?

Please pray for Haley in the following ways:

  1. That her fainting and pain will go away very soon.
  2. That she will be able to endure the discouragement of going "backward".
  3. That Dr. Henderson will return the phone calls our family doctor has placed and that he will have a plan to help her.
  4. For safety and protection for Haley, who is fainting (and falling) all over the house. It's so scary to watch her fall hard and we worry that she may hurt herself
  5. For Haley to be able to tolerate the neck brace. For some reason, this time around it makes her feel like she can't breathe. 
  6. For endurance for all of us. It is incredibly stressful to watch this happen.
  7. That Haley will soon get back to her job at TJ Maxx. She loves working there and has made some sweet friends there. She really misses it.
Thanks so much in advance. I have not kept up with the blog because there wasn't much to report, but I promise that I will keep you all posted from here on out!

1 comment:

  1. My dear, sweet Haley!! Always keeping you in my thought, my Zebra sister!! So sad for you that you're struggling again, but keep your chin up (or, erm, straight ahead... LOL) - whatever this does or doesn't mean, you will get through it, one step or roll at a time!! Love you so much!!!! <3 <3
