Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Aslan's On The Move

This evening a group of elders from our church came to pray for Haley before our trip to Maryland tomorrow. What a blessing to have these men come and pray, some with tears, for our sweet daughter.

I have a friend who used to call me and say, "Aslan's on the move", which is a quote from a C.S. Lewis book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Aslan, the Lion, is the Jesus character, and by it, she (and Lewis) meant that God was doing something.

In the last few days, I have thought of this phrase, and it is true for us. We have seen God envelope us in His arms in the form of physical help, financial gifts, emotional support, and much prayer, both seen (as above) and unseen (as many of you have reported).

So when I'm feeling overwhelmed by what lies before us and with what we must do today (and tomorrow, and the next day), I remind myself to open my eyes and see the blessings. My friends, Aslan is indeed on the move!


  1. Praying for healing and comfort. Anxiously excited to hear how God is working through this.

  2. Thanks for posting this! Praying unceasingly for you Haley!

  3. Larry and Amy, Ken and I live in Crofton MD, about half an hour south of Baltimore. If we can serve you in any way, please contact us via Facebook or get our number from Mom & Dad. The house is messy as per usual but you are welcome to come.

    Debbie (Lockridge) Fields
